українською мовою

20.07-10.10.2022, Lviv, Ukraine
Powder Towerstr. Pidvalna, 4

The Reactivation multidisciplinary project takes place
within the framework of #ZMINA_2_0 implemented by the IZOLYATSIA
Foundation with the financial support of the European Union.

Technology and SENSITIVENESS
September 12 - October 17, 2021, Lviv

Is supported by 
Ukrainian Cultural Foundation

August 26 - September 8, 2020
Sedmyratska House (42 Rynok Square)

Tereza Barabash (UA), Mykhaylo Barabash (UA),
Joanna Zemanek (PL), Sofiia Kozlova (UA),
Anton Saienko(UA), Volodymyr Topii (UA),
Ruslan Tremba (UA), Olexa Furdiyak(UA),
Grzegorz Sztwiertnia (PL), Vitalii Shupliak (UA),
Oleksandr Judin (UA)
Mykhaylo Barabash, Daryna Skrynnyk-Myska

Festival of audiovisual art
4 - 20 October, 2019, Lviv, Ukraine


April 19 - May 3, 2019

Tereza Barabash, Mykhaylo Barabash, Myroslava Bachkur,
 Tomash Wlazlak (PL), Taras Keb, Bohdan Kuharsky, 
Oleksij Konoshenko, Vlodko Kostyrko, Vadym Panchenko,
Lubomyr Sikach, Daryna Skrynnyk-Myska, 
Volodymyr Topij, Roksolana Uhrynjuk, 
Oleksa Furdijak, Group ZABIG

Festival of electroacoustic music
April 12 - 26, 2018, Lviv


April 4 - 22, 2018, Lviv
Gallery Dziga (str. Virmenska 35)

Janusz Bałdyga (PL)
Tereza Barabash (UA)
Mykhaylo Barabash (UA)
Andriy Bondarenko (UA)
 Olena Smaha (UA)
 Vitalii Shupliak (UA)
fuse* (IT)

4 - 29 October, 2017, Lviv, Ukraine


April 13 - 27, 2017, Lviv

Gallery Dziga (str. Virmenska 35)

Participants: Mykhaylo Barabash (UA),
 Aviya Wyse & Yaeli Gabriely (IS),
 Volodymyr Kostyrko (UA), Pawel Korbus (PL),
 Patryk Różycki (PL), Volodymyr Topij (UA),
 Vitalii Shupliak (UA)


Festival of electroacoustic music
April 3 - 26, 2017, Lviv

March 31 - April 14, 2017, Ternopil
Ukrainian House Peremoha
(Shevchenko Boulevard 27)

Participants: Mykhaylo Barabash (UA),
  Tereza Barabash (UA), Janusz Bałdyga (PL),
  Yuriy Biley (UA), Joanna Zemanek (PL),
  Danylo Movchan (UA), Serhiy Radkevych (UA),
  Volodymyr Topiy (UA), Ruslan Tremba (UA),
  Yaryna Shumska (UA), Vitalii Shupliak (UA)
Curator: Mykhaylo Barabash (UA)


 1-16 October 2016, Poznan, Poland

Interdisciplinary exhibition of Ukrainian artists 
realized within a friendly program of 5 Mediations Biennale 2016 in Poznan.
Gallery MONA Iner spaces, Poznan, Poland


Art project
1-9 September 2016, Lviv

Art Project "MASK"
visual art exhibition of the same name by Stanislaw Lem work
within the part of the pilot project "LEMinarium" 
frameworks of Bienalle Week of Actual Art
Lviv Palace of Arts, str.Kopernyka 17


April 26 - May 18, 2016, Lviv

26 April - 09 May - Project "aboutHOPE"
Gallery Dziga (str. Virmenska 35)
Participants: Mykhaylo Barabash [UA], Marta Bosovska [PL],
Joanna Zemanek [PL], Slawomir Sobczak [PL], Volodymyr Topiy [UA],
Vitalij Shuplyak [UA], Grzegorz Sztwiertnia [PL]

May 18 - October 19 - Andrij Boyarov
"Untitled. Sacred space"
Palace of Arts named Omelan and Tatiana Antonovych
Lviv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library of Ukraine (st. Library 2)


April 1 - 9, 2016, Lviv

Lviv, 22.09, 1-13.10.2015

Details on the web page of the Festival


7-21 April 2015, Lviv

7 April - project "Across the Fly", a concert that
presents the actual development of innovations in style
the religious and sacred music
Lviv Academic Theatre. Kurbas

10-21 April - The "aboutFAITH"
exhibition of visual arts
Dziga Gallery, vul.Virmenska 35


April 20 - 24, 2015, Lviv


Lviv, 23 December 2014 - 21 January 2015

exhibition of visual Arts
UCU Gallery of Comtemporary Art


September 5 - 8, 2014, Lviv


Lviv, May 23-29 2014
exhibition of visual arts
Dziga Gallery, vul.Virmenska 35


1-13 October 2013, Lviv
Dzyga Gallery, 
the B.Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery,
Museum of Ideas


May 18, 2013, Lviv,
the Memorial Museum "Prison on Lontskoho"
during Night of Museums.


Lviv, May 1-20, 2013
Dzyga Gallery, Virmenska str. 35
"Muzey Idey" ("Ideas museum"), Valova str. 18


28.02 - 6.03, 2013, Lviv


Lviv, 5-8 september 2012 р.
at TYZHDEN (Week of actual art)
Porokhova vezha (Powder tower), Dzyga gallery, Fotoclub 5x5


Lviv, June 18, 2012
Memorial Museum "Prison on Lontskoho"


Lviv, April 5 - May 20, 2012
"Muzey Idey" ("Ideas museum"), Valova str. 18


20 - 24 April 2012, Lviv

Anastasia Arhanhorodska (Ukraine), Bohdan Bulka (Ukraine),
Yuriy Bulka (Ukraine), Christian Galarreta (Peru),
Zayed Jabri (Syria), Matthias Kranebitter (Austria),
Ostap Manulyak (Ukraine) Karol Nepelski (Poland),
Michal Pawelek (Poland), Michal Palko (Slovakia),
Andriy Sacheva (Ukraine), Piotr Sych (Poland),
Konstantin Timoshenko (Kazakhstan, Bulgaria), Chinar Timur (Turkey),
Marina Fridman (Ukraine), Amir Khatai (Iran),
Ensemble of contemporary music "CON-SONUS ..." (Ukraine)